Rajasthani Folk Dance Group For Your Wedding - Ranadholi


Rajasthani Folk Dance Group For Your Wedding

Rajasthani Folk Dance

Rajasthani Folk Dance Group

Rajasthan has various dance forms that are skillful and attractive that can be enjoyable for all ages people. It is a royal state of India that is rich in its culture and heritage. Among these, folk dance is playing a significant role that is pleasing people and also narrating different stories in a captivating and unique manner. Ranadholi being the best Rajasthani folk dance provides amazing artists for events and weddings.

Types of Dance Usually Performed by Ranadholi Rajasthani Folk Dance Group

Ghoomar: It is one of the traditional folk dances that belong to Rajasthan and is a community dance for purpose of women. It is performed on different auspicious occasions where people enjoy it. The name “Ghoomer” of this dance originated from “Ghoomna” in which there is graceful gyrating that displays the spectacular color of “Ghaghara” which is a flowing long skirt for Rajasthani Women. It is ranked 4th among the top 10 local dances in the world in the year. In these types of traditional rituals, the bride who is newly married needs to dance to the groomer for being welcomed to their marital home. Ghoomar is one of the preferred dance forms offered by the Ranadholi Rajasthani folk dance group.

Kalbelia: It is another form of Rajasthani state dance that is performed in India. It is one of the most popular dances worldwide and due to this popularity, it is on the UNESCO representative list that is related to the cultural heritage of humanity. In this type of dance, a Male person needs to play various instruments, and a female needs to dance. It is a sensuous dance among other dances of Rajasthan. It is a tribe that is related to the community of Rajasthan which is to be performed by people who move from one place to another instead of staying at one place.   

Terah Taali: It is another folk dance of the royal state of Rajasthan. It is to be performed by the Kamada tribe which can be snake charmers. It is a dance there is performed by skilled artists in which thirteen manjeeras are tied to a different part of the body and all these are struck with one that is held by them in their hand. It is a dance that is creating a rhythm on which dancers move. Different types of arabesques are to be performed by a dancer with their hand and at the same time they also need to balance the pot with their hand. They also hold the sword in their mouth to make their performance attractive. This dance begins with a woman who sits on the dance floor.  

Gair Dance: it is also a dance that I belong to from the Bhil community of people of Rajasthan. It is one of the popular Rajasthani folk dances in which both men and women are dancing together. It is performed as a part of a series of half swirls as well as a simpler version. It is developed with a series that includes complex patterns as per the ability of dancers. It has different varieties like Dandi Gair which belongs to the Marwar region and another is Geendad which belongs to the Shekhawati region. It is a dance, that is performed by a group of dance who are moving in and out in a circle. This form includes different things as men beat their sticks to create rhythm at the time when they turn. There are different types of steps to be included in this and also various turns are taken in between. 

Chari Dance: it is also a folk dance that describes the art of women who are collecting water in a pot in their day-to-day life. In Rajasthan, women need to collect water from travels miles away for their families 

and that joy is reflected by them through this dance.     

These dances performed by talented artists of Ranadholi Rajasthani Folk Dance Group will surely add glamour to the wedding, also these dance styles are quite enjoyable and enthusiastic and it will grab the attention of your guests and make the special occasion memorable for a longer time.

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